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M Family Photos | East Alabama Family Photographer

EK is 6 months old! so it was time for some photographs. this time we incorporated the whole family into the session! EK's mama grew up beside a natural spring that runs along an old mill in spring garden alabama. the area we were photographing at is in the pleasant gap community and it was gorgeous!! i couldn't imagine growing up with such a beautiful place right outside my front door! after a 15 minute drive from EK's house we got to our destination. mr. beau played in the spring while i was taking photos (he was suppose to be my back up jr. photog but the water won his attention) there was a slight mix up with EK wardrobe (it was left at home) so while mom ran back (well she drove back ....she didnt run back) home to get EK's clothes i started snapping some! miss EK smiles all the time (well...unless she's tired which did happen!) and i was able to get some amazing photographs. i had such a great time with this sweet sweet family! i hope to be able to photograph them again in the future!


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